Training Providers
We know that comprehensive pathways into the trades are built on the strength and interconnection of local training providers.
We work with our network of CTWI partners and other local community groups to develop supportive resources like stipends for program participants, connect providers to capacity-building training, and build referrals and placement pathways into union careers.
If you have clients who need assistance achieving their trade union career goals, we are here to help!

Training and Capacity Building
We partner with community organizations to build sustainable pathways and programs that lead to union construction careers. We support partners with:
Navigating careers in the union construction trades
Designing a curriculum tied to industry standards
Developing partnerships with employers
Employment placement assistance
Training, resources and toolkits

PLA Training Program
CTWI & Turner Construction partnered to host a PLA workshop for workforce development partners to assist them with understanding how to leverage targeted hire goals in PLAs to support placement of local and diverse job seekers

Supporting Students in Trades
With the Contra Costa County Office of Education, CTWI presented to teachers and counselors to help them understand pathways into the trades and how to support their students.
This is what our training partners have to say
Targeted Hire Opportunities
Many major public and privately funded projects have Project Labor Agreements (PLAs) that create employment opportunities for local and diverse residents. Your clients could meet these requirements and get priority placement into the unions. Some examples of these requirements are:
Graduates of the school district or community college where the PLA is established
MC3 Pre-Apprenticeship graduates
Those with local residency where the PLA is established
Those who have been impacted by the Criminal Justice System
We can guide you in optimizing workforce agreements to place your clients into union construction careers.

Get Involved With Us
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By donating, you’re supporting our efforts to connect underrepresented community members to family-sustaining union construction careers.